Levator Scapulae

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Trigger points in levator scapulae muscles cause pain and stiffness in the angle of the neck and upper back.

When sufficiently active, they also refer a lesser degree of pain along the inner edge of the shoulder blade and to the back of the shoulder (not shown).

A levator scapulae trigger point is what keeps you from turning your head to look behind you when you’re backing up in your car.

You may not be able to turn your head at all toward the side that has the trigger point. Turning your head to the opposite side may also cause pain.


lower trigger point

  1. To find this place accurately, you must first be able to locate the upper, or superior, angle.

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  1. Let the fingers lie relaxed across the top of your body.
  2. Glue the hand here and don’t let it move down your back.
  3. Now swing your free arm loosely, forward and back.
  4. As you do the movement, you will feel the underlying superior angle of the shoulder blade bump up under your index or middle finger.
  5. Replace your finger with a hook-type tool
    1. Your hand alone will not be effective. Use a Thera Cane, Backnobber, or hook-type tool
  6. Apply pressure or do a tiny moving stroke across the sore trigger point

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middle trigger point